Frequently Asked Questions :

  • Ques: What is OBPAS/BPMS?

    Ans: Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) or Building Plan Management System (BPMS) is a new revolutionary tool developed to speed up the process of building plan compliance check-in accordance with building by-laws. Its high speed and accuracy are a boon to all stakeholders. It is capable of analyzing the building plans within minutes and generates a set of reports, which are comprehensive and easily understandable to all.

  • Ques: How to register?

    Ans: For Architect's, use your CoA number to register on BPMS portal, the user id and password shall be sent to your registered email id and mobile number and For Allootees, use your CCP/PMS portal credentials to log-in into the system using the link

  • Ques: How to apply?

    Ans: Once User Credentials are entered and OTP will be received on the registered mobile number and email id, which shall be mandatory to be entered each time the user logs-in. Once the OTP is entered the user will be redirected to the Dashboard-Allottee. Rest steps to be followed as mentioned in the User Manual

  • Ques: Is the hard copy of drawing to be submitted?

    Ans: No HARD COPY of the application or drawing is to be submitted through YEIDA-OBPAS application, however, scanned copy of the duly signed copy of the scrutiny approved drawing shall have to be uploaded for approval.

  • Ques: How to successfully submit the drawing?

    Ans: Firstly, check the geometry compliance of the drawing being submitted, by verifying the color codes, layers, mandatory items, text, closed polylines, vertex verification etc. Kindly refer the Smart DCR User Manual For Online Map Submission, Automated Building Plan Scrutiny & Approval System for Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) Click to View User Mannual

  • Ques: What is Pre-Check Engine?

    Ans: The Pre-Check engine does not scrutinize the drawing with respect to any regulations. This engine only ensures that the file is geometrically correct and ready to be scrutinized in the next step. When the Architect/ Consultants submit the building plan proposal, this function enables the architect to identify the defects in the drawing and make it suitable to run through the Scrutiny Engine. It reads the drawing elements and lists all the discrepancies in the drawing. If errors are found in the drawing, the drawing will be populated with hyperlinks and press CTRL + Click to zoom to area of error. Click to View User Mannual

  • Ques: Why is the drawing returned as Pre-Check Return Rejected?

    Ans: Following are some of the types of errors displayed in the Pre-Check returned drawing file.

    • a. Multiple Polyline Geometry Problems.
    • b. Invalid object colour.
    • c. Existence of Blocks, Regions, Wipe-outs & External references in Floor layers.
    • d. Mandatory requirements.
    • e. Other critical errors.
    By clicking on the above disqualified items in the software interface, details will be displayed such as disqualified object name; floor name and drawing coordinate position. It will also draw a crossed grey line on all the disqualified objects throughout the drawing. Click to View User Mannual

  • Ques: How will the payment be done?

    Ans: All payments shall be done online, no offline mode of fee payment shall be acceptable.

  • Ques: When is the fee to be paid?

    Ans: The fee shall be paid only once the drawing is approved by the scrutiny engine. i.e., first the drawing is to be approved by pre-check engine and then by the scrutiny engine. After fee payment the application shall be considered as successfully submitted for further process.

  • Ques: Who will submit the application the allottee or architect?

    Ans: The applicant will select the architect registered with COA and YEIDA, from the drop-down available under the form named Selection of Architect.

  • Ques: How to select the architect?

    Ans: Once the architect is selected, the details of the same shall be reflected on the web page, so that the user can cross-check before submitting the request. After the details are filled, the user can select on Submit Request. The notification of the same shall be sent to the respective architect, who has the right to either accept or reject the request. The notification of all accept/reject shall be received by the allottee on the registered mobile number and email id.

  • Ques: Is COA registration mandatory for architect registration?

    Ans: Yes, architects registered with COA and having valid COA number shall be able to register themselves.

  • Ques: What is the process of drawing submission and approval?

    Ans: The Architects/ Consultants can also get their scrutiny report online using their Application Reference Number. Smart DCR will scrutinize the submitted drawing by comparing with Building rules of YEIDA, Amendments and generates the reports. Smart DCR comprises of two components.


    Checks the Geometry compliance of the Submitted drawing by verifying the color codes, layers, mandatory items, text, closed polylines, vertex verification etc. before allowing the scrutiny engine to extract the drawing data from submitted drawings.

    The Pre-Check engine does not scrutinize the drawing with respect to any regulations. This engine only ensures that the file is geometrically correct and ready to be scrutinized in the next step. When the Architect/ Consultants submit the building plan proposal, this function enables the architect to identify the defects in the drawing and make it suitable to run through the Scrutiny Engine. It reads the drawing elements and lists all the discrepancies in the drawing. If errors are found in the drawing, the drawing will be populated with hyperlinks and press CTRL + Click to zoom to area of error.

    Once the pre-check is passed, the file automatically moves to the scrutiny engine. The Scrutiny Engine compares the rules of YEIDA and Amendments with the extracted data from the Submitted drawing and generates a Scrutiny Report listing out each rules of YEIDA and Amendments parameter.

    • Smart DCR scrutinizes for compliance check of building rules of YEIDA and Amendments(2D)and the output of Smart DCR excludes all Non-Drawing data.
    • If the drawing is not as per the standards defined in the Smart DCR, it will be returned to the Architect/ Consultants with the errors written as text in the drawing itself. The drawing can be downloaded, and the errors can be corrected in the Original Drawing by the Architect/Consultants and then Re-Upload it.
    • All non-compliant items will be hatched or circled and will be placed on layer called NON COMPLIANT.
    • A Scrutiny Report is generated for all drawings that pass PreCheck.

      • Ques: What are the governing rules for Fee Calculations?

        S.No Building Permit Fees Rate (in INR) Applicability
        1. For all type of buildings, covered for all floors 15.00 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        2. Layout Plan – Area upto 4.0 hectare 1.00 per sq. mtr. Plot Area
        3. Layout Plan – Balance Area 0.50 per sq. mtr. Plot Area
        4. Malba Charges for plots upto 2000 sq mtr. 10.00 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        5. Malba Charges for plots upto 2001 sq mtr. to 10,000 sq mtr. 5.00 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        6. Malba Charges for plots above 10,000 sq mtr. 2.00 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        7. Revision Fees - a. Layout Plan 0.50 per sq. mtr. Plot Area
        8. Revision Fees - b. Building Plan 25% of processing fee Covered Area
        9. Revalidation Fees - (for 5 years) if applied within validity 10% of processing fees
        10. Revalidation Fees - (for 5 years) if applied outside validity Original Permit Fees
        11. Temporary Structure - a. Labour Hutment 0.25 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        12. Temporary Structure - b. Other Uses of Temporary Structures 25% of the processing fees Covered Area
        13. Completion Fees 10.00 per sq. mtr. Covered Area
        14. Layout Fees ( Plot Area upto 4 hectare) 0.50 per sq. mtr. Plot Area
        15. Layout Fees ( Balance Plot Area above 4 hectare) 0.25 per sq. mtr. Plot Area
        16. Site Visit Fees In case even after two objection letters issued by Authority if rectification of all objections is not done than Rs. 500/- shall be levied for each subsequent visit.